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Strategies for Adults Living With ADHD – Symptoms & Treatment

Strategies for Adults Living With ADHD – Symptoms & Treatment

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is a condition of the nervous system which is usually characterized by inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsiveness. As per research, in 2019, approximately 0.96% of the world population was suffering from ADHD.

How could I know If I have ADHD?

ADHD is a neurological condition where a person struggles with concentrating on things and cannot regulate his emotions. You may get difficulty paying attention or be unable to learn things. Feeling restlessness or not being able to sit at a place for a longer time is also observed.

You will feel comfortable only when while moving constantly and will talk all the time. Forgetting things, getting easily distracted, and poor patience is the most probable symptom.

Symptoms of ADHD in Adults

According to American Psychiatric Association (APA) reports, Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder affects about 8.4 % of children and 2.5 % of adults. And, NIMH estimates that the numbers maybe even more as many girls and adults with this medical condition can go undiagnosed. It is essential to recognize ADHD symptoms in adults to get proper treatment.

Inability to focus

The most known symptoms of this condition can go beyond simply finding it hard to pay attention. It may also include being easily distracted, overlooking details, finding it hard to listen and understand others in a conversation, or not completing tasks or projects.


The flip side to lack of focus; an individual with ADHD can so indulge in an activity that they become unaware of any other thing around them. This type of focus can make one lose track of time and ignore those around them. It can also cause misunderstandings in the relationship.

Time management concerns or disorganization

Concerns with time management are similar to experiencing disorganization. Adults with ADHD often fail to manage their time effectively. They may show up late for events, procrastinate on tasks, or ignore assignments they consider boring. The present is more top-of-mind concern for people with ADHD, and they face trouble focusing on the future or past.

Impulsive behavior

Impulsiveness in adults with ADHD can manifest in various ways, including being socially inappropriate, interrupting others during conversation, acting without consideration for the consequences, or rushing through tasks.

Lack of motivation

Feeling less or no motivation happens with adults and children with ADHD; they often find it challenging to focus on schoolwork, job, or relationships. The combination of procrastination and problem managing organizational skills make it hard for an adult with ADHD to finish a project.

How did I get this ADHD?

There could be various reasons for a person to get ADHD. It is a neurological disorder developed because of the production of certain hormones. In many cases, genetic factors are responsible for ADHD possession. 75% of the patients reported having any parent suffering from ADHD or other mental illness.

Environmental factors also contribute to it. Intake of alcohol or smoking during the pregnancy also leads to the development of disorders in the fetus. Nicotine and other substances like lead also affect the neurological system. Food dyes and preservatives also may become a reason. Overstress may also lead to neurological dysfunction.

How to deal with adult ADHD? What is the possible treatment?

The time of diagnosis or detection is often late in many cases. Proper interviewing is done by the doctor to get information about childhood symptoms. Many symptoms are being carried by adults up to a certain age.

Nowadays, management of ADHD is being done by counseling or medications, and even a combination of both. ADHD cannot be treated entirely, but if symptoms are mild, therapies often give positive results.

Info ADHD Treatment

Behavioral Therapy is emerging as an effective  treatment of ADHD  as well as other mental disorders. It helps in getting relief from the majority of symptoms. Psychoeducational training at an early age and cognitive therapy at an adult age is proven helpful. Health experts teach emotional and social skills management to the subject.

These therapies could cure extreme depression situations for you and let you regain your confidence. Stimulant drugs are mainly used as oral medications. Doctors may suggest Amphetamine medications for long-term relief in ADHD Symtoms. These medications help to remain safe from unnecessary external injuries due to overexcitement. Regular monitoring is necessary, along with the medicines.

Some non-stimulant drugs like bupropion, clonidine are also advised because of their non-addictive property. Make sure to tell the doctor about your medical condition and allergies. Tell him about other medications you are taking like cough or cold, sleeping issues, gastric problems, kidney or liver disease, blood pressure, etc.

Do not take any medicine in higher quantity than prescribed. It could be hazardous, may cause addiction, coma, or even death.

What else can I do to get rid of ADHD?

Although you might experience mild symptoms of ADHD for life long yet, you may get relief in many related problems for sure. Many lifestyle changes and natural ways are proven to give results.

The primary key to getting healed is your willpower. Do not lose patience and follow self-discipline. Work on your decision-making skills. Maintain a regular exercise schedule. You should also practice yoga or meditation for effective results. Take a balanced diet; it will provide you stamina for recovery.

Avoid alcohol and smoking completely. It could worsen the situation by interacting with your medicines. It may lead to overdose or withdrawal symptoms eventually. Carry a notebook or device to note down things to remember. By this method, you will forget lesser and will be able to organize things well.

Communicate with your friends or family and share your feelings. Discuss the therapy and changes you feel within yourself by following it. It will enhance your social and behavioral skills. Try to set goals for each day and complete your work accordingly. It will help you work with confidence.

Practice your hobbies or some creative stuff like gardening, drawing, writing, or dancing. Keep yourself busy as much as possible. You may sit in a silent place and try to relax. Try to pay attention to one thing at a time. Avoid listening to loud music if it makes you uncomfortable.

Learn to say no to the things bothering you. If anything distracts you from paying attention to your task at a point in time, avoid that. Teach your brain the importance of self-control. Try to manage your emotions for your well-being. Follow your doctor’s instructions carefully. Make a routine diary of your every task of the day and check yourself evolving. It will improve your thinking ability.

All these small steps could give you tremendous results. You may feel a lot of relief and get the ability to enjoy life. Research is still going on to cure ADHD to a greater extent.

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